Our company brings completely new and unique product „OXYLIFE WATER 250ml-oxygen enriched water“ to the world market. This product is protected by a patent and is a genuine product which once again confirms the progress in the manufacture of soft and health beneficial drinks. Our patent solves the problem of mixing fluids with various types of gas, e.g. gas for medicine or gas for food industry.

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Product Description

Normal water contains approximately 3 to 6 mg of oxygen per liter. OXYLIFE WATER CONTAINS 120 mg/l of OXYGEN
Oxygenated water OXYLIFE is a source of energy and vitality.
Thanks to the patented technology, the OXYLIFE WATER stable oxygen content is 120mg/l.
Water is the most important element of food and oxygen is the elixir of life.
H2O + O2 is the most important combination for the human organism.
It is no secret nowadays for anybody that water that is high in oxygen benefits the human organism and oxygen boosts the condition of the whole body.
It is proved by scientific surveys that usage of water with higher volume of oxygen leads to higher volume of oxygen in blood, thus improving the digestion processes and decreasing the heartbeat frequency. When using the oxygen water regularly, the improved health condition is experienced almost immediately. It is caused by more effective supply of oxygen to cells and tissues.
OXYLIFE WATER is suitable for sportsmen, for young and elder people, for people who adhere to healthy lifestyle and for those who need more energy.

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